what I make, thrifting and more

Posts tagged ‘break up’

Life changes

Hi everyone,

It’s been a while since my last post. I’ve been too busy picking up the pieces of my life to go online and I just couldn’t face speaking about what’s happened just yet.

What’s happened you ask?

Well it has been hanging over me like a horrible thundercloud for the past 10 years and finally I couldn’t avoid it any more, I had to end my marriage of 28 years and quite abruptly as well. I have tried very hard to win this battle but I just couldn’t compete with my husbands mental disorder any more, the disease has defeated me to the point where I can not afford to live with him under the same roof anymore if I still want to continue to have a roof in the future to live under.

I feel very let down by the mental health care system, for we have been trying to get help for a decade now and still there is no adequate help for him. We are all very sad that this has happened and we are grateful that we are still able to communicate well and do not have feelings of resentment towards each other.

These past days I have been trying to adjust to my new tasks like walking the dogs several times a day. I’m very glad that my back pain is less than before so I can manage with some help from my boys, who are very sweet and caring right now. We are spending a lot of quality time together .

Last weekend son 1 and dear daughter in law came to help put up the new polytunnel in the garden. It was raining but that didn’t bother them. The frame is up and some of the plastic went over it but some adjustments still have to be made to it.

This morning I took my camera with me when I went out to walk Binti in the park at the end of our street, it was still early and very quiet and still to suit my mood, come with me on my daily walk…

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do!